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Calca, Peru

16 years old

Motivada para seguir adelante

Nací en la comunidad de Parco. Vivo con mi mama Zaida y mi hermanastro, Jaffet de 8 años de edad. Mis padres se separaron cuando yo tenia 4 o 5 años, entonces mi mamá tuvo otra pareja con el cual tuvo un hijo, el es Jaffet mi medio hermano.

Bueno, antes de ingresar a este Proyecto Valle Sagrado vivía con mi medio hermano, mi mamá y su pareja. Mi mamá y él tenían frecuentes discusiones y problemas y yo me sentía muy triste porque mi madre no me daba importancia, ella estaba más preocupada en sus propios asuntos.

Desde muy pequeña era una buena estudiante, casi siempre sacaba buenas calificaciones, sin embargo, hubo una temporada en el cual había muchos problemas familiares y mi mamá se desquitaba conmigo.

Recuerdo que se aproximaban las vacaciones de medio años y una mañana llamó mi tía Olga, la hermana menor de mi mamá, pidiendo que yo me vaya con ella durante esas vacaciones y ella aceptó.

Yo emocionada alisté mis cosas, mi tía Olga vino a recogerme y nos fuimos a su casa, es allí donde ella me habló de la importancia del estudio y lo imprescindible que era para salir adelante, me dijo que yo tenía que estudiar a pesar de los problemas que estaban pasando en mi hogar, ella me alentó para seguir estudiando pase lo que pase.

Mi tía habló con mi mamá para darle la idea de que yo ingresara a un hogar de niñas ya que los estudios secundarios serían más complicados para la economía de mi mamá.

Entonces ella estaba de acuerdo con buscar apoyo para mí y lo encontró, gracias al Proyecto Valle Sagrado que me acogieron.

Desde que yo ingresé al Proyecto mi vida cambió mucho, aquí tengo más tiempo para estudiar, ya no vivía en un ambiente de problemas, eso me alegró, fue una gran oportunidad para mi formar parte de este Proyecto. Actualmente curso el cuarto grado de secundaria, estoy feliz porque solo me falta un año para graduarme.

Gracias a mi tía que hasta ahora ella es la más me alienta de mi familia a seguir adelante con mis estudios, porque ella siempre está ahí cuando me siento triste, cuando siento que el mundo se me viene abajo o que simplemente ya no puedo más.

Ella un día me dijo; “yo no solo soy tu tía, soy tu amiga, tu hermana, tu confidente” esas palabras que salieron de su boca me da esa confianza que a pesar de los problemas familiares yo debo seguir estudiando, porque solo con mis estudios puedo cambiar mi historia y de la de mi familia.

Mi tía es la persona que me apoya, me da consejos, me da confianza para seguir con mi visión, que es ingresar a la universidad para estudiar derecho.

Admiro a mi tía porque ella es una persona muy empática y tolerante a pesar de que ella pasó por muchas cosas como yo, incluso mucho más, pero la diferencia es que ella no tuvo a nadie para que le apoye y aun así puedo salir adelante.

En la actualidad ella quiere estudiar enfermería y está haciendo todo lo posible para conseguir el dinero para perseguir sus sueños y eso a mí me motiva mucho, su esfuerzo y su dedicación.

Motivated to keep going

I was born in the community of Parco. I live with my mom Zaida and my stepbrother, 8-year-old Jaffet. My parents split up when I was 4 or 5, so my mom had another partner with whom she had a son, this is Jaffet my half-brother.

Well, before I joined this Sacred Valley Project, I lived with my half-brother, my mom and her partner. He and my mom had frequent arguments and problems. I felt very sad because my mother didn't care, she was more worried about her own business. From a very young age I was a good student, I almost always got good grades, however, there was a season in which there were many family problems and my mom would take it out on me.

I remember the half-year vacation approaching and one morning my aunt Olga, my mom's younger sister, called, asking me to go with her during that vacation and she agreed.

I excitedly gathered my things, my Aunt Olga came to pick me up and we went to her house. That's where she told me about the importance of studying and how essential it was to get ahead. She told me that I had to study despite the problems that were going on in my home. She encouraged me to keep studying no matter what.

My aunt spoke to my mom to give her the idea of me entering a girls' home as high school would be more complicated for my mom's finances.

Then she agreed to apply for me and I was accepted, thanks to the Sacred Valley Project that welcomed me.

Since I entered the project my life has changed a lot. Here I have more time to study, I no longer live in an environment of problems. I has been a great opportunity for me to be part of this Project. I am currently in my fourth year, I am happy because I am only a year away from graduating.

Thanks to my aunt, who, so far, is the most encouraging of me in my family. She is always there when I feel sad, when I feel that the world is falling down on me or that I just can no longer do it all.

She one day told me; "I am not only your aunt, I am your friend, your sister, your confidante" those words that came out of her mouth give me confidence that despite family problems I must

continue studying. Only through my studies can I change my future and that of my family.

My aunt is the person who supports me, gives me advice, gives me confidence to continue my vision, which is to enter college to study law.

I admire my aunt because she is a very empathetic and tolerant person even though she went through a lot of things like me, even much more. But the difference is that she didn't have anyone to support her and has managed to still get ahead on her own. 

Currently she wants to study nursing and she is doing everything she can to earn the money so that she can follow her dreams. This motivates me a ton, her efforts and dedication.

Motivated to keep going

I was born in the community of Parco. I live with my mom Zaida and my stepbrother, 8-year-old Jaffet. My parents split up when I was 4 or 5, so my mom had another partner with whom she had a son, this is Jaffet my half-brother.

Well, before I joined this Sacred Valley Project, I lived with my half-brother, my mom and her partner. He and my mom had frequent arguments and problems. I felt very sad because my mother didn't care, she was more worried about her own business. From a very young age I was a good student, I almost always got good grades, however, there was a season in which there were many family problems and my mom would take it out on me.

I remember the half-year vacation approaching and one morning my aunt Olga, my mom's younger sister, called, asking me to go with her during that vacation and she agreed.

I excitedly gathered my things, my Aunt Olga came to pick me up and we went to her house. That's where she told me about the importance of studying and how essential it was to get ahead. She told me that I had to study despite the problems that were going on in my home. She encouraged me to keep studying no matter what.

My aunt spoke to my mom to give her the idea of me entering a girls' home as high school would be more complicated for my mom's finances.

Then she agreed to apply for me and I was accepted, thanks to the Sacred Valley Project that welcomed me.

Since I entered the project my life has changed a lot. Here I have more time to study, I no longer live in an environment of problems. I has been a great opportunity for me to be part of this Project. I am currently in my fourth year, I am happy because I am only a year away from graduating.

Thanks to my aunt, who, so far, is the most encouraging of me in my family. She is always there when I feel sad, when I feel that the world is falling down on me or that I just can no longer do it all.

She one day told me; "I am not only your aunt, I am your friend, your sister, your confidante" those words that came out of her mouth give me confidence that despite family problems I must

continue studying. Only through my studies can I change my future and that of my family.

My aunt is the person who supports me, gives me advice, gives me confidence to continue my vision, which is to enter college to study law.

I admire my aunt because she is a very empathetic and tolerant person even though she went through a lot of things like me, even much more. But the difference is that she didn't have anyone to support her and has managed to still get ahead on her own. 

Currently she wants to study nursing and she is doing everything she can to earn the money so that she can follow her dreams. This motivates me a ton, her efforts and dedication.

Story submitted by our partners: She’s the First & Sacred Valley Project

Motivada para seguir adelante

Nací en la comunidad de Parco. Vivo con mi mama Zaida y mi hermanastro, Jaffet de 8 años de edad. Mis padres se separaron cuando yo tenia 4 o 5 años, entonces mi mamá tuvo otra pareja con el cual tuvo un hijo, el es Jaffet mi medio hermano.

Bueno, antes de ingresar a este Proyecto Valle Sagrado vivía con mi medio hermano, mi mamá y su pareja. Mi mamá y él tenían frecuentes discusiones y problemas y yo me sentía muy triste porque mi madre no me daba importancia, ella estaba más preocupada en sus propios asuntos.

Desde muy pequeña era una buena estudiante, casi siempre sacaba buenas calificaciones, sin embargo, hubo una temporada en el cual había muchos problemas familiares y mi mamá se desquitaba conmigo.

Recuerdo que se aproximaban las vacaciones de medio años y una mañana llamó mi tía Olga, la hermana menor de mi mamá, pidiendo que yo me vaya con ella durante esas vacaciones y ella aceptó.

Yo emocionada alisté mis cosas, mi tía Olga vino a recogerme y nos fuimos a su casa, es allí donde ella me habló de la importancia del estudio y lo imprescindible que era para salir adelante, me dijo que yo tenía que estudiar a pesar de los problemas que estaban pasando en mi hogar, ella me alentó para seguir estudiando pase lo que pase.

Mi tía habló con mi mamá para darle la idea de que yo ingresara a un hogar de niñas ya que los estudios secundarios serían más complicados para la economía de mi mamá.

Entonces ella estaba de acuerdo con buscar apoyo para mí y lo encontró, gracias al Proyecto Valle Sagrado que me acogieron.

Desde que yo ingresé al Proyecto mi vida cambió mucho, aquí tengo más tiempo para estudiar, ya no vivía en un ambiente de problemas, eso me alegró, fue una gran oportunidad para mi formar parte de este Proyecto. Actualmente curso el cuarto grado de secundaria, estoy feliz porque solo me falta un año para graduarme.

Gracias a mi tía que hasta ahora ella es la más me alienta de mi familia a seguir adelante con mis estudios, porque ella siempre está ahí cuando me siento triste, cuando siento que el mundo se me viene abajo o que simplemente ya no puedo más.

Ella un día me dijo; “yo no solo soy tu tía, soy tu amiga, tu hermana, tu confidente” esas palabras que salieron de su boca me da esa confianza que a pesar de los problemas familiares yo debo seguir estudiando, porque solo con mis estudios puedo cambiar mi historia y de la de mi familia.

Mi tía es la persona que me apoya, me da consejos, me da confianza para seguir con mi visión, que es ingresar a la universidad para estudiar derecho.

Admiro a mi tía porque ella es una persona muy empática y tolerante a pesar de que ella pasó por muchas cosas como yo, incluso mucho más, pero la diferencia es que ella no tuvo a nadie para que le apoye y aun así puedo salir adelante.

En la actualidad ella quiere estudiar enfermería y está haciendo todo lo posible para conseguir el dinero para perseguir sus sueños y eso a mí me motiva mucho, su esfuerzo y su dedicación.

Motivated to keep going

I was born in the community of Parco. I live with my mom Zaida and my stepbrother, 8-year-old Jaffet. My parents split up when I was 4 or 5, so my mom had another partner with whom she had a son, this is Jaffet my half-brother.

Well, before I joined this Sacred Valley Project, I lived with my half-brother, my mom and her partner. He and my mom had frequent arguments and problems. I felt very sad because my mother didn't care, she was more worried about her own business. From a very young age I was a good student, I almost always got good grades, however, there was a season in which there were many family problems and my mom would take it out on me.

I remember the half-year vacation approaching and one morning my aunt Olga, my mom's younger sister, called, asking me to go with her during that vacation and she agreed.

I excitedly gathered my things, my Aunt Olga came to pick me up and we went to her house. That's where she told me about the importance of studying and how essential it was to get ahead. She told me that I had to study despite the problems that were going on in my home. She encouraged me to keep studying no matter what.

My aunt spoke to my mom to give her the idea of me entering a girls' home as high school would be more complicated for my mom's finances.

Then she agreed to apply for me and I was accepted, thanks to the Sacred Valley Project that welcomed me.

Since I entered the project my life has changed a lot. Here I have more time to study, I no longer live in an environment of problems. I has been a great opportunity for me to be part of this Project. I am currently in my fourth year, I am happy because I am only a year away from graduating.

Thanks to my aunt, who, so far, is the most encouraging of me in my family. She is always there when I feel sad, when I feel that the world is falling down on me or that I just can no longer do it all.

She one day told me; "I am not only your aunt, I am your friend, your sister, your confidante" those words that came out of her mouth give me confidence that despite family problems I must

continue studying. Only through my studies can I change my future and that of my family.

My aunt is the person who supports me, gives me advice, gives me confidence to continue my vision, which is to enter college to study law.

I admire my aunt because she is a very empathetic and tolerant person even though she went through a lot of things like me, even much more. But the difference is that she didn't have anyone to support her and has managed to still get ahead on her own. 

Currently she wants to study nursing and she is doing everything she can to earn the money so that she can follow her dreams. This motivates me a ton, her efforts and dedication.

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