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Sololá, Guatemala

16 years old

Mujer Indigena

Luchadora y emprendedora

fuerte y capaz,

mujer indigena de la tierra,

valiente y audaz.

Eres como el fénix que renace

de sus cenizas,

tus tradiciones

son de riquezas.

Con tu traje de hermosos colores,

tejido con las manos de los antecesores

mostrando una mujer guerrera

bailando al compás de la marimba.

Luchas por la igualdad,

brillas entre en la naturaleza,

mujer dedicada a la cultura,

mujer indigena de mi pueblo.

Velas por tus tradiciones

por tus costumbres

por tu familia

por tu idioma

por tu traje.

Amas y quieres,

Alzas tu voz al mundo

Mujer con valentía

Mujer que da amor

Al pueblo indígena.

Indigenous Woman

Fighter and entrepreneur

strong and capable,

Indigenous woman of the land,

brave and bold.

You are like the phoenix that is reborn

from its ashes,

your traditions

made of riches.

With your clothing of beautiful colors,

woven with the hands of the ancestors

showing a female warrior

dancing to the beat of the marimba.

You fight for equality,

and shine into nature

woman dedicated to culture,

indigenous woman from my town.

You fight for your traditions

for your customs

for your family

for your language

for your clothing.

You love and love,

Raising your voice to the world

Brave woman

Woman who gives love

To the indigenous people.

Indigenous Woman

Fighter and entrepreneur

strong and capable,

Indigenous woman of the land,

brave and bold.

You are like the phoenix that is reborn

from its ashes,

your traditions

made of riches.

With your clothing of beautiful colors,

woven with the hands of the ancestors

showing a female warrior

dancing to the beat of the marimba.

You fight for equality,

and shine into nature

woman dedicated to culture,

indigenous woman from my town.

You fight for your traditions

for your customs

for your family

for your language

for your clothing.

You love and love,

Raising your voice to the world

Brave woman

Woman who gives love

To the indigenous people.

Story submitted by our partners: She’s the First & MAIA Impact School

Mujer Indigena

Luchadora y emprendedora

fuerte y capaz,

mujer indigena de la tierra,

valiente y audaz.

Eres como el fénix que renace

de sus cenizas,

tus tradiciones

son de riquezas.

Con tu traje de hermosos colores,

tejido con las manos de los antecesores

mostrando una mujer guerrera

bailando al compás de la marimba.

Luchas por la igualdad,

brillas entre en la naturaleza,

mujer dedicada a la cultura,

mujer indigena de mi pueblo.

Velas por tus tradiciones

por tus costumbres

por tu familia

por tu idioma

por tu traje.

Amas y quieres,

Alzas tu voz al mundo

Mujer con valentía

Mujer que da amor

Al pueblo indígena.

Indigenous Woman

Fighter and entrepreneur

strong and capable,

Indigenous woman of the land,

brave and bold.

You are like the phoenix that is reborn

from its ashes,

your traditions

made of riches.

With your clothing of beautiful colors,

woven with the hands of the ancestors

showing a female warrior

dancing to the beat of the marimba.

You fight for equality,

and shine into nature

woman dedicated to culture,

indigenous woman from my town.

You fight for your traditions

for your customs

for your family

for your language

for your clothing.

You love and love,

Raising your voice to the world

Brave woman

Woman who gives love

To the indigenous people.

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